Order & Advice: +44 02895436175 | Orders Dispatch: 2PM Mon - Friday
Order & Advice: +44 02895436175 | Orders Dispatch: 2PM Mon - Friday
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About Us

Our mission is to inspire and support fitness professionals to improve the health and performance of individuals from all walks of life. We aim to create a global impact in the fitness and wellness industries through a combination of unique supplements, evidence-based education, and actionable information. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality supplements and fitness tools to help people reach new levels of wellness and performance.

Decades ago, Poliquin® Group started as a fitness education company and we have grown into a global leader in the health and fitness industry. Today, while you can find our trainers in over 70 different countries, our driving force is to support, guide, and inspire peak performance and optimal health for people around the world through education, training, nutrition, and supplementation for years to come.

In the coming years, we will partner with industry-leading experts to offer cutting edge virtual health and fitness curriculum, while continuing to travel the world teaching our flagship PICP performance and Applied BioSignature body composition certifications.

We will meticulously maintain our Poliquin Group line of supplements to support the body’s intricate systems, while continuing our commitment to providing products that meet or exceed the FDA GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices), ensuring quality, purity and authenticity of dietary supplements.

Our Vitruviant software, an online program development tool for coaches and trainers, will incorporate innovative updates to allow users to properly design exercise and nutrition programs that transform people’s lives.

Poliquin Group's driving force will be to support, guide, and inspire peak performance and optimal health for people around the world through education, nutrition, and supplementation for years to come.

Company Information: 

Poliquin EU is owned by NI Supplements LTD who distribute and fulfil all Poliquin EU orders across Europe. 

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